Everyone is aware of how smoking is bad for their teeth. It can cause various amounts of medical problems which can sometimes be fatal. However, a lot of people don’t realize how big the damage smoking has to their mouths, teeth, and gums. Using tobacco and e-cigarettes negatively impacts your entire body, including your mouth. It ranks among the top causes of gum disease. You can notice that someone has been smoking for quite a period of time by their receding gums, chronic bad breath, and stained or loose teeth. Smoking exposes your teeth to both tobacco and nicotine which results in stained, yellow teeth and bad breath. The more you smoke, the more it affects your sense of taste as well.
Smoking leads to dental problems including:
Losing your teeth may be one of the many negative side effects of smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products. Smokers develop more tartar on their teeth than nonsmokers, which can ultimately lead to periodontal or gum disease. Here are some of the many ways smoking affects your oral health:
There isn’t any tobacco in some e-cigarettes so many people assume that vaping is much better for oral health. While e-cigarettes don’t produce smoke, the vapor still contains nicotine. In addition, e-cigarettes still contain other chemicals and heavy metals, although this is much less than cigarettes, which are bad for your teeth and body. The nicotine in these products can damage gum tissue and reduce saliva production, which results in bad breath, receding gums, and tooth loss. Scientists are still learning about the long-term effects of e-cigarettes on one’s health. Most e-cigarettes contain nicotine which has known health effects, such as the following:
It has been demonstrated that vaping increases the risk of cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues. People who vape also have a much higher chance of developing gum recession, tooth sensitivity, gum disease, tooth loss, and tooth damage due to clenching or grinding.
Phone: (806) 587-5070
Email: office@fdglubbock.com
Address: 5730 66th St,
Lubbock, TX, United States
Business Hours:
Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
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